Unleashing The Power of Google Forms


Unleashing The Power of Google Forms (A guide to effective listening comprehension practices for ESL teacher)

A. Lody Kolatlena


This is a innovative book that introduces ESL teachers to a variety of new ideas on using Google Forms, simple and versatile, for improving their students’ ability to perceive English more effectively. Moving beyond the realm of gap-filling exercises, this book investigates less conventional features of Google Forms for the development of listening activities that are even more engaging and interactive, even more authentic.

From interactive quizzes to personal feedback, real-life situations to collaborative projects, this book introduces a wealth of practical techniques that will suit a range of learning styles and levels of language proficiency. The teacher will learn how to use Google Forms in order to create immersive listening environments: design interactive activities that simulate real-life listening situations like conversations, lectures, and news broadcasts.

Personalized Feedback: Use Google Forms for providing specific feedback and advice so that students take some initiative in first identifying and then

overcoming their individual listening difficulties. Collaborative Learning: Design activities for small groups to work together by listening and then sharing views amongst each other.

Embed Multimedia: Embed audios and videos into Google Forms for giving the students authentic and practical listening experiences.

Measuring of progress and tracking of improvement: Employ Google Form to assess listening skills in students and track the student’s progress from time to time.

This book shows, in a clear and concise manner, with practical examples and step- by-step instructions, how to convert listening comprehension lessons into a truly dynamic, interactive experience that will enable the ESL teacher to maximize the learning process. By harnessing the power of Google Forms, teachers are able to unlock their students’ full potential and provide them with the necessary skill set for future academic or professional success.

This book will help not only the ESL teacher but also other language teachers, including:

Foreign language teachers: Most of the ideas in this book could be adapted to various languages, such as Indonesian, Spanish, French, German, or Chinese.

Second language teachers: Teachers of second languages can take advantage of Google Forms to create engaging and professional listening activities for students learning a language in a non-native environment.

It will also serve language acquisition specialists with practical techniques to be implemented in their teaching practice. Therefore, this book will help teachers of different backgrounds develop the listening comprehension of their students and create sociable learning environments.

Cetakan Pertama : Oktober 2024

ISBN : Dalam Proses

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