Action-Based Quality Management : Strategy and Tools for Continuous Improvement
Penulis :
Dr. Dwi Cahyono, M.SI.Akt
Surya Bakti, S.E.,M.M
Dr. Drs. Muhammad Bayu, MM
Dr. Evi Lestari, SE.,M.Si
Sinopsis :
Quality is a vast and complex subject. While on one hand, everyone has a perception of the quality of products they buy and the services they are provided with, on the other, most have no notion of the technical aspects embedded in the products and/or processes related to the manufacturing/service delivery. Moreover, it is only experts who have an understanding of how organizational solutions impact the quality of products/services, even though this is critical. However, everyone is in search of good quality and expects a positive relationship between money spent and the value received. Quality is understood in this book as a wide range of techniques and methods framed by principles of management and business development.